New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 55
Geology of the Taos Region


Brian Brister, Paul W. Bauer, Adam S. Read and Virgil W. Lueth, eds., 2004, 440 pages.

We return to Taos after a 20-year hiatus. On the 1984 field conference (Guidebook 35), participants circumnavigated the Picuris Mountains on Day 1, explored high into the Sangre de Cristo Mountains on Day 2, and crossed the rift into the Tusas Mountains on Day 3. This year, the focus of the conference is quite different. We spend all of the first two days investigating the southern San Luis rift basin. On Day 1 (6 stops, 107 miles), we trace the dramatic Rio Grande gorge, stopping periodically to delve into the geologic history of the sedimentary and volcanic materials that fill the rift and the geomorphic history of the Rio Grande and its tributaries. On Day 2 (5 stops, 49 miles), we plot a course along the southeast boundary of the basin, tracking the structurally complex transition from the master rift fault zone to the rift accommodation zone. On Day 3 (3 stops, 23 miles), we cross from the San Luis to Espanola Basins, stalking elusive pre-rift structural basins and their spectacular sedimentary sequences. The roadlogs and papers in this guidebook and the field conference presentations highlight a vast body of new geologic data emerging from the Taos area.

GPS (Global Positioning System) waypoints are one new feature of this guidebook that may prove useful for those that intend to use the roadlogs after the conference. These waypoints can be uploaded into your GPS unit to aid in navigation at turns and stops along the route.

ISBN: 9781585460908
Softcover: $5.00 Buy Now

Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)


Molycorp Tailings Facility, Questa, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore and Anne Wagner, pp. 8-18.
Alteration Scars in the Red River Valley, Taos County, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, Virgil W. Lueth, and Bruce M. Walker, pp. 19-21.
Proterozoic Tectonic History of the Taos Range
— Jane P. Dawson, pp. 22-31.
Potential Interaction of Sustainable Development and Aggregate Production with an Example from Taos, New Mexico, USA
— James M. Barker, pp. 34-36.
The Flanks of the Rift - Second-day Road Log from Taos of Taos Pueblo, Llano Quemado, Pilar and Return to Taos (32.40 MB PDF)
— Paul W. Bauer, Adam S. Read, Keith I. Kelson, William R. Muehlberger, and Daniel J. Koning, pp. 37-76. [SUMMARY]


Kit Carson Memorial Park and Cemetary
— Virginia McLemore, pp. 54-60.
Laramide to post-Laramide Cooling History of the Miranda Graben
— Shari A. Kelley, pp. 61-68.
There's Gold in Them Cliffs...Or is There? The Fleeting (and Fleecing?) Glend-Woody Mining Venture
— Paul W. Bauer, pp. 69-74.
An Overview of the Current Bark Beetle Infestation in New Mexico's Upland Forests
— David J. McCraw, pp. 75-76.
The San Luis Basin to the Española Basin - Third-day Road Log from Talpa to the Rio Grande del Rancho Valley, U.S. Hill, Vadito, and Peñasco (29.98 MB PDF)
— Paul W. Bauer, Adam S. Read, Keith I. Kelson, Barry S. Kues, Scott B. Aby, Wiliam R. Muehlberger, Ren A. Thompson, George S. Austin, and Gary A. Smith, pp. 77-98. [SUMMARY]


Paleontology of the Upper Flechado Formation near Talpa, North-Central New Mexico
— Barry S. Kues, pp. 79-89.
Commercial muscovite from the U.S. Hill Mine, Picuris Mountains, Taos County, New Mexico
— James M. Barker, Ken Santini, and George Austin, pp. 90-98.
Peñasco to Española - Third-day Supplemental Road Log (2.85 MB PDF)
— Daniel J. Koning, Gary A. Smith, and Scott B. Aby, pp. 99-107. [SUMMARY]


Geology of the escarpment north of the Santa Cruz River, eastern Española Basin, and inferences regarding rift tectonism in the Miocene
— Daniel J. Koning, pp. 103-107.

Roadlog References:

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Late Quaternary characteristics of the northern Embudo fault, Taos County, New Mexico (892 KB PDF)
— K. I. Kelson, P. W. Bauer, J. R. Unruh, and J. D. J. Bott, pp. 147-157. [ABSTRACT]
Geologic structure of the Velarde Graben and the southern Embudo fault system, north-central New Mexico (12.03 MB PDF)
— D. J. Koning, J. F. Ferguson, P. Jackson Paul, and W. S. Baldridge, pp. 158-171. [ABSTRACT]
Initial paleoseismic and yydrogeologic assessment of the Southern Sangre de Cristo fault at the Taos Pueblo site, Taos County, New Mexico (5.00 MB PDF)
— K. I. Kelson, P. W. Bauer, S. D. Connell, D. W. Love, G. C. Rawling, and M. Mansell, pp. 289-299. [ABSTRACT]
Subsurface Stratigraphy in the Southern San Luis Basin, New Mexico (1.50 MB PDF)
— P. Drakos, J. Lazarus, J. Riesterer, B. White, C. Banet, M. Hodgins, and J. Sandoval, pp. 374-382. [ABSTRACT]
Mineral resources in Taos County, New Mexico (477 KB PDF)
— V. T. McLemore and K. E. Mullen, pp. 383-390. [ABSTRACT]
Hydrologic Characteristics of Basin-Fill Aquifers in the Southern San Luis Basin, New Mexico (1.28 MB PDF)
— P. Drakos, J. Lazarus, B. White, C. Banet, M. Hodgins, J. Riesterer, and J. Sandoval, pp. 391-404. [ABSTRACT]
Chemical and isotopic constraints on source-waters and connectiviity of basin-fill aquifers (0.98 MB PDF)
— P. Drakos, K. Sims, J. Riesterer, J. Blusztajn, and J. Lazarus, pp. 405-414. [ABSTRACT]
Groundwater Geology of Taos County (11.08 MB PDF)
— A. L. Benson, pp. 420-432. [ABSTRACT]
Taos regional groundwater flow model (1.19 MB PDF)
— P. Burck, P. Barroll, A. core, and D. Rappuhn, pp. 433-439. [ABSTRACT]

Back Matter: (usually includes a stratigraphic column and/or correlation chart)

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Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Brister, Brian; Bauer, Paul W.; Read, Adam S.; Lueth, Virgil W.; [eds.], 2004, Geology of the Taos Region, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 55th Annual Field Conference, 440 pp. ISBN: 9781585460908