New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook – 71
Geology of the Mount Taylor Area


Bonnie A. Frey, Shari A. Kelley, Fraser Goff, Kate E. Zeigler, Virginia T. McLemore and Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle, [editors]
2021, 310 pages.

The Mt. Taylor area is a crossroad where geologic history, human history, and societal impacts intersect. Situated on the eastern edge of the Colorado Plateau and flanking the transition zone to the Rio Grande rift, Mt. Taylor is a late Pliocene stratovolcano located on the Jemez Lineament, an enigmatic NE-trending alignment of late Cenozoic volcanic centers. Mt. Taylor lies along the southeast margin of the San Juan Basin bounded by the Zuni (south) and Nacimiento (east) uplifts. Mt. Taylor also has some of the richest uranium deposits in the United States.

The human history of the Mt. Taylor region is no less compelling. Indigenous communities lived here for thousands of years despite Spanish conquest and the establishment of land grants. In the 1800s, the area was settled as part of a U.S. territory, bringing with it commerce such as the railroad and timber industries, and later the uranium boom and its lasting legacy. Additional corridors of commerce opened with Route 66, succeeded by Interstate 40. The designation of Mt. Taylor as a Traditional Cultural Property recognizes the mountain’s importance to Native, Spanish and U.S. cultures.

The papers in this volume cover a spectrum of topics, ranging from geologic studies and mining history to the effects of mining on the population and the environment today.

This guidebook supercedes Special Publication 14, which was released in 2020 due to the repeated postponement of this Field Conference until spring of 2022 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are two versions of this guidebook available, the complete guidebook (310 pages), and a version with just the road logs that is spiral bound (94 pages).

ISBN: 1-58546-112-1
Softcover: $65.00 Buy Now

ISBN: ISBN: 1-58546-113-X
Softcover: $20.00 Buy Now
Contains road logs and mini-papers only, spiral bound.

Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

Download (2.01 MB PDF)

Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

Day 1 Grants to Dos Lomas to San Mateo Mesa
— Bonnie Frey, Shari Kelley, Kate Zeigler, and Virginia McLemore, pp. 1-22. [SUMMARY]


Folding in the Middle Jurassic Todilto Formation, west-central New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas, Karl Krainer, and William R. Berglof, pp. 23-25.
Economic importance of the Jurassic Todilto Formation and origin of the ore-controlling intraformational folds
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 26-28.
Poison Canyon and the Poison Canyon trend
— Alva E. Saucier, pp. 29.
Uranium deposits in the Ambrosia Lake trend, Ambrosia Lake subdistrict, Grants Uranium district, McKinley and Cibola counties, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 31-34.
Uranium deposits in the La Jara Mesa area, Ambrosia Lake subdistrict, Grants Uranium district, McKinley and Cibola counties, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 35-36.
The Roca Honda Mine Project- a summary
— Dan Kapostasy, pp. 37-38.
The Roca Honda Mine and processing, a proposed mine on national forest lands: ground water concerns and a traditional cultural property
— Diane Nowlin Tafoya, pp. 39-41.
Uranium Mills in New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 41-43.
Bluewater uranium mill tailings disposal site, New Mexico
— Bernadette Tsosie, Craig Goodknight, Allison Kuhlman, and Anthony Farinacci, pp. 44-45.
A brief history of the Lee Ranch Coal Mine
— Gretchen K. Hoffman, pp. 46-47.
Day 2 Grants to Cubero to Mt. Taylor Ranch
— Bonnie Frey, Shari Kelley, Fraser Goff, Cathy Goff, Larry Crumpler, and Jayne Aubelle, pp. 49-68. [SUMMARY]
Day 3 Cubero to Seboyeta to L-bar Ranch
— Bonnie Frey, Shari Kelley, Fraser Goff, and Richard E. Kelley, pp. 69-84. [SUMMARY]


New Mexico uranium minerals (812 KB PDF)
— Virgil W. Lueth, pp. 95-100.
Volcanic evolution of Mount Taylor Stratovolcano, New Mexico: Facts and misconceptions (1.16 MB PDF)
— Fraser Goff, William McIntosh, Lisa Peters, John A. Wolff, Shari A. Kelley, Cathy J. Goff, and G. Robert Osburn, pp. 117-128. [ABSTRACT]
Humate in the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation in northwestern New Mexico (674 KB PDF)
— Robert W. Newcomer, John P. Nybo, and Jakob R. Newcomer, pp. 153-158. [ABSTRACT]
Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits at the Cebolleta Land Grant, Cibola County, New Mexico (1.07 MB PDF)
— Ted Wilton, Chavez, William X., Jr., and Samatha Caldwell, pp. 171-182. [ABSTRACT]
The Jackpile-Paguate Uranium Mine, Grants Uranium District: Changes in perspectives from production to superfund site (822 KB PDF)
— Virginia T. McLemore, Bonnie A. Frey, Ellane El Hayek, Eshani Hettiarachchi, Reid Brown, Olivia Chavez, Shaylene Paul, and Milton Das, pp. 183-194. [ABSTRACT]

Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Frey, Bonnie A.; Kelley, Shari A.; Zeigler, Kate E.; McLemore, Virginia T.; Goff, Fraser; Ulmer-Scholle, Dana S., 2021, Geology of the Mount Taylor area, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 71st Annual Field Conference, 310 pp. ISBN: 1-58546-112-1