New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 45
Mogollon Slope, West-Central New Mexico


Richard M. Chamberlin, Barry S. Kues, Steven M. Cather, James M. Barker and William C. McIntosh, eds, 1994, 335 pages.

The 1994 New Mexico Geological Society Fall Field Conference journeys through the serene outback of northeastern Catron County, New Mexico and part of adjacent Apache County, Arizona. We refer to this scenic terrane of volcanic capped ranges on the northern periphery of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field and the downwarped southern margin of the Colorado Plateau as the Mogollon slope. The first day emphasizes the Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Mogollon slope. The tour travels from Socorro to Magdalena, Datil, Westen Crosby Mountains, Sawtooth Mountains, Pie Town, Quemado and Quemado Lake. The second day traverses part of the northwestern margin of the late Eocene to late Oligocene Mogollon-Datil volcanic field. The route begins at Quemado Lake and on to Mangas Mountains, Omega, Quemado, Tejana Mesa and Red Hill, New Mexico and over into Springerville and Alpine in Arizona. On the final day the trip departs from Alpine, Arizona and goes on to Luna, Reserve, Apache Creek, Horse Springs and Datil, New Mexico.

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Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

First-day road log: From Socorro to Magdalena, Datil, western Crosby Mountains, Sawtooth Mountains, Pie Town, Qemado, Quemado Lake (36.09 MB PDF)
— Richard M. Chamberlin, Steven M. Cather, William C. McIntosh, Orin J. Anderson, and James C. Ratte, pp. 1-45. [SUMMARY]


Geology and mining of the Socorro perlite deposit
— James M. Barker, Timothy L. Hall, and Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 2-3.
Definition of the Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico
— Richard M. Chamberlin and Steven M. Cather, pp. 5-6.
Pluvial lakes of the Plains of San Agustin
— Robert H. Weber, pp. 9-11.
Soil, tectonic and climatic geomorphologic investigations in the San Agustin Plains area, New Mexico
— Leslie D. McFadden, Richard P. Lozinsky, Christopher M. Menges, Jerry R. Miller, and John Ritter, pp. 12-14.
The Crosby Mountain "Caldera": A volcano-tectonic collage of disparate origin
— Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 16-18.
Preliminary geologic interpretation of the ARMA Baca Basin seismic reflection profile, northeastern Catron County, New Mexico
— Rodney M. Armstrong and Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 32-33.
Quemado Lake dam
— William C. Haneberg, pp. 44.
Second-day road log: From Quemado Lake to Mangas Mountains, Omega, Quemado, Tejana Mesa and Red Hill, New Mexico and Springerville and Alpine, Arizona (22.10 MB PDF)
— Steven M. Cather, Richard M. Chamberlin, William C. McIntosh, James C. Witcher, James C. Ratte, and Orin J. Anderson, pp. 47-77. [SUMMARY]


Stratigraphic and structural implications of the Mangas Mountains Federal No. 1 Well
— Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 51.
Hunt Oil Co. No. 1-16 State Well and wireline log responses, Tertiary and Cretaceous sections
— Ronald F. Broadhead and Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 55-56.
Hydrogeology and ground-water quality, Largo Creek Basin, Catron County, New Mexico
— Newcomer, Robert W., Jr., pp. 58-60.
Petrologic summary of late Miocene volcanic rocks of El Porticito
— W. Scott Baldridge, pp. 61.
Soil development within and at the top of the Fence Lake Formation at Tejana Mesa
— David W. Love, Bruce Harrison, and John W. Hawley, pp. 61-62.
Upper Cretaceous rocks of the Tejana Mesa area and the Salt Lake coal field
— Orin J. Anderson, pp. 63.
Local misapplication of the term Eagar to upper Cretaceous strata in eastern Arizona
— Steven M. Cather, pp. 68-69.
Thermal regime of Alpine Divide and petroleum implications
— James C. Witcher, Chandler A. Swanberg, and W. Richard. Hahman, pp. 74-76.
Geothermal potential of the Alpine Divide area
— James C. Witcher, Chandler A. Swanberg, and W. Richard. Hahman, pp. 76.
Third-day road log, from Alpine, Arizona, to Luna, Reserve, Apache Creek, Horse Springs and Datil, New Mexico (21.77 MB PDF)
— James C. Ratte, D. J. Bove, S. M. Cather, R. M. Chamberlin, S. G. Crews, and W. C. McIntosh, pp. 79-111. [SUMMARY]


Fauna from a small Pennsylvanian exposure near Luna, New Mexico
— Barry S. Kues, pp. 80-82.
Historical vignette of the town of Luna, Catron County, New Mexico
— James C. Ratte, pp. 82-83.
Landslides and highway maintenance in New Mexico
— Susan Gallagher, pp. 84-85.
The evolution of the mid-Tertiary Eagle Peak volcano, Catron County, New Mexico
— Dana J. Bove, James C. Ratte, William C. McIntosh, Lawrence W. Snee, and Kiyoto Futa, pp. 86-89.
Distinguishing young "True" basalts from Bearwallow Mountain Andesite
— James C. Ratte, D. J. Bove, and Kiyoto Futa, pp. 91.
Apache Creek archaelogy
— Stermon. Wells, pp. 96-98.
Permian strata at Horse Mountain
— Spencer G. Lucas and Barry S. Kues, pp. 106-108.
Supplemental road log: Tejana Mesa (El Porticito) to US-60 via Zuni Salt Lake Maar (2.17 MB PDF)
— Orin J. Anderson, Spencer G. Lucas, and William A. Cobban, pp. 113-115. [SUMMARY]

Roadlog References:

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Crustal structure of west-central New Mexico: a preliminary seismic interpretation (2.37 MB PDF)
— Donald G. Roberts, Donald C. Adams, and G. Randy Keller, pp. 143-145. [ABSTRACT]
Volcanics and neotectonic characteristics of the Springerville volcanic field, Arizona (12.62 MB PDF)
— L. S. Crumpler, Jayne C. Aubele, and C. D. Condit, pp. 147-164. [ABSTRACT]
The Horse Springs Dacite--An enigmatic pyroclastic deposit at the edge of the Plains of San Agustin (8.36 MB PDF)
— James C. Ratte, Peter J. Modreski, William C. McIntosh, and Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 193-207. [ABSTRACT]
Alpine1/Federal corehole--Subsurface stratigraphy of the eastern White Mountains, Apache County, Arizona (6.33 MB PDF)
— James C. Witcher, W. Richard Hahman, and Chandler A. Swanberg, pp. 233-240. [ABSTRACT]
Tertiary stratigraphy and nomenclature for western New Mexico and eastern Arizona (7.22 MB PDF)
— Steven M. Cather, R. M. Chamberlin, and J. C. Ratte, pp. 259-266. [ABSTRACT]
The Plio-Pleistocene Quemado Formation of west-central New Mexico (2.00 MB PDF)
— Steven M. Cather and William C. McIntosh, pp. 279-281. [ABSTRACT]
Geology and alteration of the Kline Mountain kaolin deposit, Sierra County, New Mexico (3.07 MB PDF)
— Iskender Isik, Kenneth F. Clark, and George S. Austin, pp. 311-314. [ABSTRACT]
Common plants and plant associations of the Mogollon Slope (3.09 MB PDF)
— Joseph C. Cepeda and Pamela S. Allison, pp. 331-335. [ABSTRACT]

Back Matter: (usually includes a stratigraphic column and/or correlation chart)

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Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Chamberlin, R. M.; Kues, B. S.; Cather, S. M.; Barker, J. M.; McIntosh, W. C.; [eds.], 1994, Mogollon Slope (West-Central New Mexico and East-Central Arizona), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 45th Annual Field Conference, 335 pp.