New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 40
Southeastern Colorado Plateau


Orin J. Anderson, Spencer G. Lucas, David W. Love and Steven M. Cather, eds., 1989, 345 pages.

Our volunteer field trip committee again has targeted a geologically interesting and scenic region. The journey begins on the alluvial fans west of the Sandia Mountains, across the Rio Grande to the first stop in the Rio Puerco fault zone, then to sandstone pipes in the Jurassic rocks west of Mesita, on to the spectacular setting of Acoma Pueblo and hence north to the Cretaceous-Jurassic contact and with a final stop southeast of Grants on NM-117, just south of I-40, to examine Jurassic-Cretaceous strata overlooking the Quaternary malpais. Day 2 begins on the west side of Cebolleta Mesa at the Sandstone Bluffs overlook and southwest to an aggregate pit to see structures related to the Hickman fault zone, then southwest to Techado where the Tertiary Baca Formation overlies the Cretaceous Moreno Hill Formation with an extensive paleoweathering zone at the contact. Then to the major stop of Moreno Hill on the southern margin of the Colorado Plateau to discuss structure and physiography, the Salt Lake coal field, and to note at the outcrop the contrast with the Cretaceous strata to the north in the Zuni Basin. A fitting climax is stopping at the D. Y. Mountain ancient -Zuni holy-place ruins of Dowa Yalanne to discuss the outcropping Jurassic rocks. On the third day, after an evening in Gallup, the conference goes a short distance to the east to see the structure and stratigraphy of the Hogback, then south to the Carbon No. 2 coal mine to discuss coal stratigraphy. After a stop south of Gallup along NM-602 to see the Bidahochi Formation, we continue south and then northeast to the magnificent exposures along the Hogback at Upper Nutria where the Glorieta, San Andres, Chinle, Entrada, Zuni-Cow Springs, Dakota, Mancos, Tres Hermanos, Pescado, Gallup and Crevasse Canyon units are spectacularly exposed, as well as the structures related to the Hogback. Then on the way eastward around the southern flank of the Zuni Mountains through Ramah to the final stop at Bandera Crater we travel northeast to Grants and join I-40 back to Albuquerque.

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The shading on Fig. 2, page 83 was lost in the printed book.

Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

First-day road log: From Albuquerque to Mesita, Laguna, Acoma, McCartys and Grants (4.11 MB PDF)
— Charles H. Maxwell, Anderson, Orin, J., Spencer G. Lucas, Richard M. Chamberlin, and David W. Love, pp. 1-24.


Tectonics and timing of rifting
— Orin J. Anderson, pp. 5-6.
Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in west-central New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas, pp. 6-7.
Triassic stratigraphy and paleontology, Mesa del Oro, Valencia County, New Mexico
— Adrian P. Hunt, Spencer G. Lucas, Kim Martini, and Terry Martini, pp. 8.
Geomorphic development of the Rio San Jose Valley
— David W. Love, pp. 11-12.
Second-day road log: From Grants to El Malpais, Fence Lake, Zuni Pueblo and Gallup (3.97 MB PDF)
— Richard M. Chamberlin, Orin J. Anderson, Spencer G. Lucas, Charles H. Maxwell, and David W. Love, pp. 25-48.


Well drilling, water quality sampling, and aquifer testing on Acoma Pueblo lands, 1 November 1988 to 8 March 1989
— Georgianna E. Kues, pp. 29-30.
Criteria for the recognition of a pre-Eocene lateritic weathering profile, west-central New Mexico
— Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 34-35.
Climate of west-central New Mexico
— Jerry E. Mueller, pp. 35-36.
The southern margin of the Colorado Plateau: A ragged edge bounded by Neogene domains of crustal extension
— Richard M. Chamberlin and Orin J. Anderson, pp. 37-38.
Upper Cretaceous rocks of the Salt Lake coal field, western Cibola County, New Mexico
— Orin J. Anderson, pp. 38-39.
Zuni Pueblo
— David W. Love, pp. 43-44.
Herbert C. Stacher and the Gallup-Southwestern Coal Company
— Orin J. Anderson, pp. 46-47.
Third-day road log: From Gallup to Upper Nutria, Ramah, El Morro and Grants (3.23 MB PDF)
— Orin J. Anderson, Spencer G. Lucas, David W. Love, Charles H. Maxwell, and Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 49-66.


Stratigraphy of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation, west-central New Mexico
— Steven N. Hayden and Spencer G. Lucas, pp. 59-60.
Basement fault models for the Nutria monocline
— Orin J. Anderson, pp. 60-62.
Juxtaposition of transgression and progradation: A modest supposition
— Orin J. Anderson, pp. 61-62.
Bandera Crater
— Charles H. Maxwell, pp. 65.
Supplemental road log 1: From Grants to U.S. Gypsum Perlite Mine (State Road 547) (697 KB PDF)
— Virginia T. McLemore, James M. Barker, and George S. Austin, pp. 67-69.
Supplemental road log 2: Black Rock to Ojo Caliente (539 KB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas and Orin J. Anderson, pp. 69-70.

Roadlog References:

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Structural geology of the Malpais Valley, San Rafael, New Mexico (705 KB PDF)
— T. E. Kelly and Charles B. Reynolds, pp. 119-121. [ABSTRACT]
Coal maturation and geothermal history, west-central New Mexico (1.15 MB PDF)
— Jeffrie Minier and Marshall Reiter, pp. 127-133. [ABSTRACT]
Triassic stratigraphy of west-central New Mexico (2.96 MB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas and Steven N. Hayden, pp. 191-211. [ABSTRACT]
Mid-Cretaceous molluscan record from west-central New Mexico (1.60 MB PDF)
— William A. Cobban and Stephen C. Hook, pp. 247-264. [ABSTRACT]
Petroleum exploration wells drilled in west-central New Mexico (1.06 MB PDF)
— Ronald F. Broadhead and Bruce A. Black, pp. 287-296. [ABSTRACT]
Coal resources of the San Juan Basin (686 KB PDF)
— James E. Fassett, pp. 303-307. [ABSTRACT]
Grants--Home of much of New Mexico's pressed-earth block industry (459 KB PDF)
— George S. Austin and Edward W. Smith, pp. 321-324. [ABSTRACT]
East Grants ridge--A mineral potpourri (677 KB PDF)
— James M. Barker, Virginia T. McLemore, Marc L. Wilson, and George S. Austin, pp. 325-329. [ABSTRACT]
The San Andres-Glorieta aquifer in west-central New Mexico (612 KB PDF)
— William D. White and T. E. Kelly, pp. 331-335. [ABSTRACT]

Back Matter: (usually includes a stratigraphic column and/or correlation chart)

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Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Anderson, O. J.; Lucas, S. G.; Love, D. W.; Cather, S. M.; [eds.], 1989, Southeastern Colorado Plateau, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 40th Annual Field Conference, 345 pp.